Do's and Don'ts when maintaining your septic system

The function of a septic system is to store, treat and dispose of wastewater produced by  a property in an efficient and safe way. Septic tanks are an important part of septic systems and they are important for the reduction of wastewater pollutants. 

This makes them also essential factors for keeping the environment clean and the inhabitants of a property healthy. 

Septic tank systems are located below the ground. The regular and proper maintenance of a septic tank system is some of the things that are worth investing in  as they  can save you from property damage and save you time and money in the long run.

If you are a property owner, you have probably realized the importance of proper maintenance as it can prolong the life of a building and improve its curb appeal. 

The recommended  main routine maintenance steps for any type of building includes septic tank cleaning. Wrong septic tank maintenance can lead to different issues with the septic system of a  property.

Septic tank maintenance requires special sewer cleaning equipment and some experience. That’s why getting help from a professional septic cleaning company is recommended. 

Do's and Don'ts when maintaining your septic system

To offer good maintenance of our septic tank system we need to understand how a septic tank system works. There are different septic tank systems but some of them share similar features. 

In this article we will give you some useful advice concerning septic tank maintenance and the things you should avoid doing. 

How does a septic tank system work? 

Septic tanks are underground chambers made of concrete or plastic and designed for treating and storing wastewater from a property and they are connected to a property’s plumbing system. Septic tank systems are suitable for properties located in rural areas where there is no access to a public sewer system.

All of the wastewater from a household goes through a series of pipes until it reaches a septic tank where it’s stored. 

The wastewater treatment process is carried out with the help of millions of healthy bacteria that have the job to break down the organic waste in the wastewater which is divided into solid and liquid waste.

Do's and Don'ts when maintaining your septic system

As a result of this the solid waste is separated from the liquid waste and the solid particles settle at the bottom of the septic tank and form a sludge.The grease, oils and fats from the wastewater form a scum. 

Therefore two layers are formed – a sludge and a scum layer which sits on top of the sludge. There is also a middle layer that is made of liquid effluent which is released into the leach field where the soil naturally processes it. 

Most of the issues that happen with septic systems is mainly due to improper septic tank maintenance or complete lack of such maintenance.  

Poor septic tank system failure can happen when one or several of its components are damaged. The most common types of issues that occur when a septic tank system isn’t properly maintained are  drain pipe clogs,  leaks, sludge build-ups, leach field foods, and bad odors. 

How to ensure a septic tank system works properly? 

Do's and Don'ts when maintaining your septic system

Things you should do

Regular septic system maintenance and check-ups

By regularly checking your septic tank system for signs of damage you can save yourself costly repairs in the future. The mechanical maintenance of a septic tank system can really help you find out  on time issues with your septic tank system.

Some of the signs that show the septic system is not operating properly are :

  • bad smells appearing inside your home or office building
  • sewer backups 
  • slow draining toilets and drains 
  • unusual grass growth at the leach field

Frequent septic tank clean-ups 

Another thing that will help you have a properly working septic tank system is following the recommended septic tank cleaning schedule. Professional cleaning companies that offer septic tank cleaning services can provide you with scheduled septic tank cleaning which needs to be strictly followed.

Septic tank cleaning includes the use of special cleaning equipment that pumps out the contents of a septic tank.

Use water wisely 

It’s important to know that everything that goes into a septic tank system  can become a reason for damage, especially when it’s in large volumes. This is also true to clean water. To avoid wastewater backup you need to use water in your household in an efficient way, if you are not doing it already. 

Excess water usage overwhelms a septic tank system and it increases the risk of floods. It can also be harmful to the friendly bacteria living inside the septic tank, which is important for the effective treatment of wastewater.

Some of the things you can do to limit your water consumption is shorten your shower or bath/hot tub time, stop the water when you are not using it during everyday dishwashing. Other efficient measures are using water saving shower heads, installing a flush-free toilet, fixing leaking faucets.

Things you should avoid doing

Improper waste disposal

Using your toilet as a trash can isn’t recommended, if you want your septic tank system to work properly. 

The things that you should not flush down the toilet are 

  • toilet paper 
  • wet wipes 
  • baby wipes (even flushable wipes) 
  • disposable diapers 
  • feminine hygiene products 
  • dental floss 
  • grease and oils (cooking oil) 
  • gasoline 
  • coffee grounds

Do's and Don'ts when maintaining your septic system

Medical products and chemicals

For a healthy septic tank system It’s not a good idea to flush down the toilet all types of medicine and chemical compounds, farming chemicals (pesticides), paint and paint thinners, photographic solutions.This can lead to the so-called septic tank system poisoning.

Different chemicals can destroy the good bacteria living inside a septic tank and lead to groundwater contamination. They also compromise the septic tank’s ability to treat wastewater efficiently. This is true also for chemical products like toilet bowl and drain cleaners, floor cleaning solutions, polishing and coating products.

Do's and Don'ts when maintaining your septic system

To avoid disturbing the bacterial environment inside your septic tank system you can use bio septic tank cleaners. Such types of products contain natural bacteria that produce enzymes which can treat wastewater.

It won’t be an easy and cheap task to clean your septic tank  by yourself. And it’s also not safe. In theory you can do it, if you have a sewer cleaning equipment, but the entire procedure is difficult, it involves a lot of effort and you can damage your septic tank in the process. 

When someone who lacks enough experience and knowledge in septic tank pumping tries to clean their septic tank, there is a high chance of damage for some component in the septic tank system,  incorrect disposal of wastewater or the person may not be able to pump all of the contents from the septic tank. 

It will be less time-consuming and risky for you, if you get help from a professional sewer cleaning company. 

You definitely need professional help for the clean-up of any type of septic tank system. Professional septic tank maintenance guarantees you a peace of mind and great results.